Contributing to OswegoDL

PUBLISH YOUR WORK (register first) | Grant of Permission form | Instructions for Submitting

What does Penfield Library want to do?

We want to make your scholarly and creative works more visible and accessible by including them in the online, searchable OswegoDL Collection.

What can be included in OswegoDL?

We are asking that you to consider providing your original work for inclusion in OswegoDL that you choose to share with the world. Your contribution may be:

  • Book chapters or journal articles
  • Conference papers / presentations
  • Departmental / College-related newsletters, minutes, etc.
  • Books / monographs
  • Technical reports, white papers, grant proposals
  • Creative work (e.g. photos or digital scans)
  • Audio, video, other multimedia (in any format) 
  • Datasets or other supplemental information of/about your research
  • Other digital files associated with your research that you want to share with the world

What if my work is copyrighted and can't be released until a later date based on my publisher agreement?

You may have a copyright agreement with a publisher that indicates they will hold copyright of your work for a certain time. You can still add your pre-publications to this repository. You may not be able to release your final publication until the release date that the publisher has agreed to (this will be on your copyright agreement). If this is the case, you can still enter a record for your work, and set a specific release time in the system.

Not sure what rights the publisher of your article holds? SHERPA/RoMEO tracks many journals' copyright agreements.

What are some benefits to contributing my digital item to the Quest Collection?

  • Your work is more visible and searchable online.
  • There is a publicly accessible record of your work (a shareable URL will be created).
  • You can review statistics on downloads and views of your items.

How do I add my work to OswegoDL?

To submit, please review the SUNY OswegoIR  Grant of Permission form (approved by SUNY Office of General Counsel) and register for an account. You will be notified when you have submission privileges.

More details about submitting your work are available here

For more information about OswegoDL, please contact