No. Title Date
1 Schooner in Goble's Dry Dock.
2 View of the Oswego River looki
3 D. G. Fort aground and schoone
4 schooners Daniel G. Fort and B
5 train tracks adjacent to Osweg
6 Oswego River looking north
7 Schooners Acadia and Plunkett
8 schooner St. Louis and tug Joh
9 Tug Charley Ferris towing scho
10 Unidentified schooners, lighth
11 Photograph of schooner Keewati
12 Photograph of unidentified sch
13 Steamers Reliance and Resolute
14 Outward bound schooner on Oswe
15 Vessels in harbor
16 Yachts at Oswego Yacht Club.
17 Schooner being towed out by tu
18 Schooners being towed by tug
19 Photograph of three vessels
20 Schooner Albacore