No. Title Date
1 1944 Oswego Faculty
2 1951 SUNY Teachers College at Oswego Commencement, Alumni Reunion + Baccalaureate Service programs
3 1957 Torchlight Ceremony
4 Charles Wells
5 Charles Wells
6 Charles Wells
7 Charles Wells, Dr. Harvey M. Rice, Norman Gover, Robert Burns, Isabelle Hart
8 Dr. Charles F. Wells
9 Dr. Charles F. Wells
10 Dr. Charles F. Wells
11 Dr. Charles Wells and Mrs. Wells
12 Dr. Foster S. Brown
13 a. Groundbreaking Ceremony
14 Instructional Council
15 The Ontarian
16 The Ontarian
17 The Ontarian
18 The Ontarian
19 The Ontarian
20 The Ontarian