

Publication Date: 1926
Type: Book
Edition: 1926
Subject Keyword:  Barbeau, Frank R.--New York--Oswego
Bedrosian, M.--New York--Oswego
Burke Music Co.--New York--Oswego
Butler Pharmacy, Inc.--New York--Oswego
Car-Van Engraving Company--New York--Syracuse
Genre: Yearbook
Language: English
1926 Oswego State Normal School Graduation Exercises

1926 Oswego State Normal School Graduation Exercises  

Publication Date: June 17, 1926
Type: Artifact
Subject Keyword:  1920s
Commencement Excercises
Grammar Course
Grammar School Graduates
Industrial Teacher Training Course
Genre: Program
1926 Oswego State Normal School Graduation Exercises
The Ontarian

The Ontarian  

Publication Date: 1942
Type: Book
Edition: 1942
Subject Keyword:  Alpha Delta Sorority--New York--Oswego
Arethusa Society--New York--Oswego
Art Exhibition Room--New York--Oswego
B. Feltscher--New York--Oswego
Baseball--New York--Oswego
Genre: Yearbook
Language: English
The Ontarian
The Ontarian

The Ontarian  

Publication Date: 1944
Type: Book
Edition: 1944
Subject Keyword:  Alpha Delta Sorority--New York--Oswego
Arethusa Society--New York--Oswego
Basketball--New York--Oswego
Campus School--New York--Oswego
Choir--New York--Oswego
Genre: Yearbook
Language: English
The Ontarian
1944 Oswego Faculty

1944 Oswego Faculty  

Publication Date: 1944
Type: Photograph
Format: 8" x 10"
Subject Keyword:  faculty
Oswego, N.Y.
Alford, Harold D.
Angel, Marion
Brunger, Eric
Genre: Print, Photographic
1944 Oswego Faculty
Dorothy Wright

Dorothy Wright  

Type: Photograph
Format: 2" x 2 3/4"
Subject Keyword:  Campus School--New York--Oswego
Campus school
Wright, Dorothy
Genre: Print, Photographic
Dorothy Wright