Material Information
- Title:
- The Ontarian
- Series Title:
- Yearbooks
- Publication Date:
- 1949
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 1949
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Ago Sorority--New York--Oswego
Alpha Delta Sorority--New York--Oswego Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity--New York--Oswego Ange's--New York--Oswego Arethusa Sorority--New York--Oswego Athletic Council--New York--Oswego Band--New York--Oswego Baseball--New York--Oswego Basketball--New York--Oswego Benny's Shoe Shop--New York--Oswego Beta Tau Epsilon Fraternity--New York--Oswego Block "O" Club--New York--Oswego Browne-Davis--New York--Oswego Campbell's--New York--Oswego Cheerleaders--New York--Oswego Clio Sorority--New York--Oswego Co-Op Book Store--New York--Oswego Coe Brothers Laundry--New York--Oswego College Pharmacy--New York--Oswego Collins Food Service--New York--Oswego Dashner's--New York--Oswego Daughters of the Wilted Wallet--New York--Oswego Delta Kappa--New York--Oswego Dramatics Club--New York--Oswego Driver Education--New York--Oswego Epsilon Pi Tau--New York--Oswego Frank G. Wells--New York--Oswego Frosh Orientation--New York--Oswego Golf--New York--Oswego Herby's Diner at the Forks--New York--Oswego Hillel--New York--Oswego Hotel Pontiac--New York--Oswego Inter-Group Council--New York--Oswego Inter-Sorority Council--New York--Oswego Interfraternity Council--New York--Oswego International Relations Club--New York--Oswego John B. Kaufman--New York--Oswego Kampus Kidets--New York--Oswego Kappa Delta Pi--New York--Oswego Kappa Phi Kappa Fraternity Launderette--New York--Oswego Lodge Committee--New York--Oswego Maltby-Campbell Co.--New York--Oswego McDonald's--New York--Oswego Men's Glee Club--New York--Oswego Men's Recreational Assocation--New York--Oswego Modern Dance--New York--Oswego Mongeon's On the Boulevard--New York--Oswego National Association for the Advancement of Colored People--New York--Oswego Neil O'Brien Lumber Co.--New York--Oswego Netherland [Diary]--New York--Oswego Newman Club--New York--Oswego Nick's Shoe Repair--New York--Oswego O'Keefe's Restaurant--New York--Oswego Ontarian--New York--Oswego Ontarian--New York--Oswego Orchestra--New York--Oswego Oswego County Savings Bank--New York--Oswego Oswego Ford Sales Co., Inc.--New York--Oswego Oswego Oratorical Organization--New York--Oswego Oswego Protestant Youth Organization--New York--Oswego Oswegonian--New York--Oswego Pontiac Cleaners--New York--Oswego Psi Phi Fraternity--New York--Oswego Quartet--New York--Oswego Reed's Prescription Pharmacy--New York--Oswego Roma Restaurant--New York--Oswego Savas Coffee Shop--New York--Oswego Sheldon Hall--New York--Oswego Sigma Gamma Fraternity--New York--Oswego Soccer--New York--Oswego Sons of the Wilted Wallet--New York--Oswego Stage Craft--New York--Oswego Student Council--New York--Oswego Student Exhibition Association--New York--Oswego Student Recreation Association--New York--Oswego Summer Session--New York--Oswego Swinging Sixteen--New York--Oswego Symphonic Choir--New York--Oswego Tennis--New York--Oswego The Metal Arts Co., Inc.--New York--Rochester The Yarn Shop--New York--Osweg Tiffany Motors--New York--Oswego Track--New York--Oswego Trampoline Club--New York--Oswego Watts' West-End Drug Store--New York--Oswego Women's Athletic Association--New York--Oswego Women's Choir--New York--Oswego Zeta Rho--New York--Oswego Abramson, Cheryl Alden, Beverly Alford, Harold D. Andriette, William Angel, Marion Appleby, William Armet, Eleanor M. Arnold, Paul Ayers, Sidney Ayton, Alice M. Babcock, Robert J. Baillargeon, Jarvis Baker, Elbert Baldwin, Carol Beard, Gladys Berger, Donald Beyea, Herbert Billington, Joan Boyd, Maurice O. Boyd, Sheldon Breda, Egidio Brust, Norman Buff, Sylvia Burditt, Chester Buske, Ralph Carl, Joseph Carlen, Vincent Carr, Dorothy Carr, John Carroll, Barbara Castiglia, Albert Cavallaro, Frank M. Cavanagh, Al Chapman, Corabelle Chieco, Phillip Christen, Roy A. Citriniti, Dom Cokely, Elmer Cole, Ronald Connal, Robert Connor, Charles Cortese, Lou Counts, Beulah Counts, Lois Coward, Charles Crabtree, Wendell Crane, Norma Cribben, Leo T. Cross, Richard Daly, William Darrow, Dean Day, John Deans, Priscilla DeBelles, Ralph deLissovoy, Vladimir DeSandre, John DeSantis, T. Devine, James Doyle, Elaine Drake, Douglas DuPont, Marie Eastman, Edward R., Jr. Eisdorfer, Norman Eldridge, Clifton Ellis, John Elzer, Charles Engdahl, Arthur Esposito, Amelia Essex, Gene Esterbrook, Charles Evans, James Evers, William Feeney, Ann Fiedenbach, Raymond Finkel, Nathan Finter, George Forster, June Frani, Lou Gaffield, Jack Galbo, Theresa Gallo, Anthony Gallo, Lorona Gilpatrick, Robert Goldberg, Elaine Goldman, Frank Goldwasser, Joseph A. Goodwin, Paul Gorman, Mary Gorton, Shirley Grabinsky, Seymour Griesbach, Phyllis Guiliano, Nick Hagger, Helen Hanley, James Harrington, Charles Harris, Andrew Hart, Jean Harter, Taylor Hastings, James Hatch, James Hatch, Ralph Hauler, Arthur Hawkinson, Mabel J. Hayden, Thomas Helsby, Robert Henderson, Betty Henderson, Edward Hennessey, Mary Herres, Gloria Herres, Robert Hickok, Dorothy Higgins, Mary Hill, Roy Hiser, Paul T. Hofstead, June C. Holzman, Ben Ira Horton, Ellen Howlett, Alfred Howlett, Marilyn Huss, William E. Hyvonen, Raymond Ingrassi, Anthony Innocent, Harold Izzo, Theresa Izzo, William Jaeger, George Joyce, Fran Joyce, George Karcher, Harry M. Katz, Barbara Kelly, Arthur Kemp, James Kern, Arthur Kerr, Fred Kettel, Betty Kidd, Dave Kleintjes, Paul Koegel, Frieda Koenig, Herman Koenig, Herman Komendarek, Edwin Kovac, Catherine Kowalski, John Kratz, Norma Kuntz, Kermit Kurkus, Edward Lambert, Dudley Lang, Hans Laundree, Ray Leddin, James Leighton, Bertha Kranz LeRoux, John Leudemann, George Lieneck, Arthur Lindroth, Shirley Linger, Russ Lipschitz, Florence Lockwood, Richard Long, James Longo, Benjamin Loper, Orla Loucks, Harry Lupa, Bertha Lupa, Martin Lyons, Cherie Lyons, John Lyons, Robert MacDonald, Willard Mack, Edmund Mack, William Maguire, Charles Maloney, Eleanor Martins, Percy Master, Richard Matzke, Donna McCrea, James McDonald, Margaret McKinstry, Clarence McLaughlin, Charles Measeck, Kenneth Meyer, Dorothy Mieskin, Milt Miller, Adolph Miller, Arthur Miller, Thomas R., Dr. Mondello, Joseph Moran, Manuel Moreland, James Morrison, Helen Elizabeth Mott, Dorothy Muller, Richard Mulvey, Mae Munn, Marilyn Munson, Edward Murphy, John Murray, Joseph Murray, Luella Murray, Varce Mylslivecek, Edward Nalbandian, Edward Neel, John W. Neilson, Betty Nelson, Mae Nicholson, Robert Nuessle, Donald O'Leary, Paul Oaksford, Roger Odell, Marietta Olmstead, Barbara Omara, Ann Ostberg, Louise Page, Donald Palmer, Edward Palmer, Erwin Paolillo, Arline Parker, John Parry, Clarence Pascucci, Edward A. Paul, Harry Pauley, George Pease, Charlotte Pecheone, Carmen Peckham, Jane Pelava, Donald Penpeck, Jane Perkins, Warren Persley, Philip Peter, Helene Petrie, Jack C. Phillips, Mark Phillips, Martin Picht, Norman Pienkowski, Ed Pierce, Rodney Pitluga, George Plantz, John Plinz, Wendell Plog, Lawrence Putnam, Thomas Quick, Joseph Quinlan, James Ray, Edward Ray, Elaine Reckersfeldt, Gertrude Reynolds, Madeleine Reynolds, William Rice, Harvey M. Richardson, David Ripley, Ellen Rogers, Dorothy Rogers, Paul Roy, Henry Ruben, Alma Rudolph, Jay Saikin, Mary Saikin, Ralph Salander, Carey Salisbury, Seward Sanders, Joyce Sass, Arthur Harold Saunders, Aulus Saunders, Samuel Scala, Gina Schneider, Frank Segal, Al Seiden, Mildred Shoenfelt, Joseph Siefried, Don Simches, Gabriel Skinner, Donald Sliter, William Smith, Beverly Smith, James Smith, Norma Snyder, Charles McCool Sommella, Anthony R. St. John, Helen Steinen, Robert Stets, Ann Stevens, Kathryn Stone, Robert Stroud, Rupert Stuart, Frances Svec, Melvina Swinyer, Kinsley W. Tanner, Coral Taylor, Albert Terwilliger, Don Thieme, Eberhard Timke, Charles Tulley, Betty Turner, Charles Tyler, Earl Unckless, James Urciuoli, Louise Valentine, Guido L. Vancka, Edward Vomacka, John Walker, Sherman Wax, Ira Weisman, Lillian Welsh, Jim White, Otis Whitten, Norman Wiedrick, Mary Wilber, Gordon Wilcox, Dorothy Williams, Alfred Williams, Charles Winn, Frederick G. Wolf, Lloyd Wood, Antoine Woolschlager, Paul Yager, Charles York, John Yost, Henry Zerrahn, Carl Ziel, Max Zurek, Jane E.
- Genre:
- Yearbook
8: Communication Artifact ( nmc ) Documentary Artifact ( nmc )
- Summary:
- 1949 Ontarian. 176 pages. 3 copies ( eng )
- General Note:
Record Information
- Rights Management:
- All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
- Resource Identifier:
- 2006.042.0032 ( accession number )
RG-7-2, Ontarian 1949