Authentic learning in educational leadership: Aspiring principals helping schools analyze student data

Material Information

Authentic learning in educational leadership: Aspiring principals helping schools analyze student data
Series Title:
Journal of Authentic Learning
Griswold, Philip A. ( author )
Publication Date:


A graduate course required for principal certification was restructured to illustrate authentic learning in partnership with local school principals. In this data driven decision-making course, students, principals, and the professor collaborated on problem-based learning tasks. At the end of the course, the aspiring principals identified school instructional needs, accessed and analyzed district student data, and made decisions that were reported to the participating schools. The graduate students valued the experiential nature of the school-university partnership. They learned the difficulty of defining a feasible evaluation question and accessing appropriate data. These aspiring principals mastered the basics of two data analysis software tools. They became confident in using data and were convinced that more effective decisions can be made when clearly defined questions are answered based upon appropriate data. All graduate students admitted to initial trepidation with the unconventional ambiguity they dealt with, but overcame it with patience and practice to achieve an understanding of authentic learning.
General Note:
Submitted by Brian McDonald ( on 2006-09-02.
General Note:
Made available in DSpace on 2006-09-02T14:19:17Z (GMT).

Record Information

Source Institution:
SUNY Oswego
Holding Location:
SUNY Oswego
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
1558-7320 ( issn )

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