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Discover Wellness: Worksite Health Promotion in Higher Education
Elizabeth Keida
SUNY Oswego
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Background: Sixty percent of US adults suffer from a chronic disease (1). Worksite wellness programs are ideal for targeting populations at risk for such diseases and have been shown to have positive health benefits (2). College campuses are the optimal locations to target a large number of employees to improve health and decrease rates of chronic disease. Purpose: Discover Wellness: Find a Healthier You (DW) is a worksite wellness program that targets employees in higher education to reduce risk of chronic disease and improve quality of life. Methods: DW is a seven-session program developed to address the specific needs and desires of the employees of SUNY Oswego to improve health behaviors and decrease the risks of chronic diseases: Writing Away Stress, Beginner Resistance Training, Decoding Nutrition Labels, Don’t Stress About Stress, Portion Distortion, Move Well, and Sleep Well. Each 50-minute session consists of a 10-minute mini-lecture followed by 35-minutes of hands-on activities to implement the information learned in the lecture. Participants are asked to complete a 5-minute evaluation immediately following the session and at 6-months post-session. Outcomes: Prior to this 7-week model, we pilot tested 14 sessions with 50 participants. The program was rated 4.8 out of 5 in seven categories related to quality and enjoyment. Of the 45% of participants who have reached the 6-month post-intervention (n=22), 71% still participate in the activities learned in the program, such as yoga and resistance training. Conclusion: Providing an opportunity for participants to learn and practice healthy behaviors may be the key to behavior change. Increasing these opportunities in populations, such as university employees, may reduce rates of chronic diseases. - -Merrill, R., Anderson, A., & Thygerson, S. (2011). Effectiveness of a Worksite Wellness Program on Health Behaviors and Personal Health. JOEM, 53(9), 1008-1012.
Collected for SUNY Oswego's Institutional Repository by the OswegoDL Self-Submittal tool. Submitted by Zach Vickery.

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SUNY Oswego
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SUNY Oswego Institution
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