Math: Student Research Spotlight

Material Information

Math: Student Research Spotlight
SUNY Oswego
Gelnett, Ryan ( Speaker )
Dawson, Brian ( Speaker )
Hanusch, Sarah ( Speaker )
Publication Date:
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Subjects / Keywords:
Quest 2021


The Lagrangian and The Problem of N Connected Pendulums by Ryan Gelnett. Abstract: When addressing the problem of $n$ connected pendulums the traditional way is to consider Newton's second law, $F=m\ddot{\bar{x}}$. The problem that arises is the requirement to know all of the forces, gravity and tension, acting in the system to map out the motion of the n-pendulum; this tends to become very convoluted especially when non-conservative forces are taken into effect. Today we analyze this problem and others alike is through use of the Lagrangian which requires scalar quantities of energy; this is possible in a closed system where energy is conserved and air resistance is negligible. The Lagrangian's perspective of handling this problem involves less work and more mathematical elegance when compared to the Newtonian Method. ( ,,,,,,, )
Math Literacy: A Primer to Understanding Word Problems by Brian Dawson. Abstract With the implementation of the Common Core Curriculum, math in secondary school has changed from focusing on procedural skills to more abstract conceptual understandings. Students have entered a new realm where being able to justify concepts, make predictions, and reason mathematically is the norm while solving commuting problems with a simple algorithm is no longer a top priority. Past research has indicated that there are four critical components within every mathematical word problem. These four critical components are Functional Vocabulary, Mathematical Vocabulary, Syntax, and the Actual Mathematics Involved. The researcher looks to find trends and frequencies within these four critical components that can lead to a more challenging word problem. This has been accomplished through analyzing word problems present on the New York State Regents examination from the years 2010 - 2019. In this talk, the researcher will present findings pertaining to the Functional Vocabulary words and Syntax of a math word problem and why this is prevalent to mathematics teachers.
Session Chair: Sarah Hanusch
Collected for SUNY Oswego Institutional Repository by the online self-submittal tool. Submitted by Zach Vickery.

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