Material Information
- Title:
- The Ontarian
- Series Title:
- Yearbooks
- Publication Date:
- 1931
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 1931
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Agonian--New York--Oswego
Alpha Delta Sorority--New York--Oswego Alpha Kappa Phi Sorority--New York--Oswego Archery Club--New York--Oswego Arethusa Society--New York--Oswego Basketball--New York--Oswego Camera Club--New York--Oswego Child Study Club--New York--Oswego Clio--New York--Oswego Cooper, H.J.--New York--Oswego Dashner's I.G.A. Store--New York--Oswego Dramatic Council--New York--Oswego Executive Council--Oswego Normal School First + Second National Bank + Trust--New York--Oswego Football--New York--Oswego Glee Club Gravely, John A.--New York--Oswego Industrial Teachers Club--New York--Oswego J.B. McMurrich Co.--New York--Oswego Kindergarten-Primary Club--New York--Oswego Kline's--New York--Oswego League of New Voters--New York--Oswego Liverpool Engraving Co.--New York--Liverpool M.F. Casey--New York--Oswego M.J. McDonald--New York--Oswego Maltby-Campbell Co.--New York--Oswego Matott's Bakery--New York--Oswego Miller Bros.--New York--Oswego Musico Hotel + Restaurant--New York--Oswego Nu Sigma Chi Sorority--New York--Oswego Ontarian--New York--Oswego Oswego Chamber of Commerce, Inc.--New York--Oswego Oswego City Savings Bank--New York--Oswego Oswego Normal School Men's Glee Club Oswego Normal School Orchestra Psi Phi Fraternity--New York--Oswego R.J. Shuller--New York--Oswego Robert Downey Co., Inc.--New York--Oswego Savas Coffee Shop--New York--Oswego Sheldon Forum--New York--Oswego Snyder + Mackin--New York--Oswego T.F. Hennessey--New York--Oswego Theta Phi Beta--New York--Oswego Treble Clef Club Tri Kappa--New York--Oswego Volley-Ball--New York--Oswego Women's Athletic Association--New York--Oswego Workman's Flower Shop--New York--Oswego Fraternities and Sororities--New York--Oswego Ackerman, Henry J. Agne, Marion H. Allen, Ferne Eleanora Ames, Eileen Andrews, Paul V. Angel, Marion Auth, Jack Walter Badger, Grace Alma Bahr, Clara Margaret Baker, Horace K. Barrington, Florence Baxter, Elizabeth Benson, Flossie Lydia Benson, Sarah Hubbard Bertsche, Frank T. Biggers, Bertha E. Blake, Arlene Ann Blake, Clifford Blanchette, Loretta Doris Bohr, Clara Bond, Dora Mae Boyd, Darthea C. Bradley, Laura Tenney Brannon, Olive Margaret Brewer, Anne T. Bull, Lila Gladys Burkart, Florence Catherine Caldwell, Flora Louise Callahn, Teresa Carson, Florence Eva Cavellier, Nellie May Clark, Marion Louise Clute, Jeannette Mae Colbert, Mary Alice Colman, Mildred Mae Cottrell, Doris Estelle Courteville, Hazel Cowles, Iva Mae Cribben, Leo T. Culver, Marjorie Cummings, Catherine Ursula Cunningham, Dorothy Elizabeth Cypher, Ellen Woods Davies, Menna Davis, Doris Beverly Delaney, Loretta A. Dockstader, Dorothy L. Donaldson, Ruth C. Donovan, Edith J. Dove, Marion E. Doverman, Max Downs, R. Parker Dwight, Carl Edmonds, Arlene Laura Essex, Gene Farnel, Alberta G. Fields, Hetty A. Fields, Lewis P. Fifield, Kenneth H. Finnan, Catharine Margaret Finnerty, Alice Mary Fitch, Adelaide Flanders, Jesse K., Dr. Flynn, Marion Forton, Aletha Mae Gannett, Ruth Lina Gannon, Marion Garifo, Sara Gay, Rosean C. Gilbert, Ruth Lovilla Giovo, Dena Greenley, Dorothy May Guernsey, Evelyn Ruth Haferkamp, Ethel K. Hahner, Caroline Halsey, Bessie Halsey, Lyle H. Hanno, Muriel M. Haresign, Neta L. Hart, Isabelle K. Hauler, Arthur Hayes, Katharine A. Healy, Joseph Heigl, Marie E. Hess, Bertha M. Hoage, Julia Florence Holmes, Marion J. Huggins, Geraldine M. Hunt, Georgiana Hutchins, William Ward Jacobs, Marion Pearl Jacquette, Dorothy Marie Jepson, Savilla W. Jones, Robert Kacsur, Charles Karcher, Harry M. Keleher, Anna Josephine Keller, Ada Pearl Kendall, Oliver W. Kimball, Lois Kingsbury, Glenn S. Lamb, Lawrence Laurie, Hazel Marie Lauther, Mildred Lavere, Mary Catherine Legg, Helen G. Legg, Helen G. Lewis, Mildred Adams Libby, Ransom Lill, Molly Loane, F. Carol Lory, Mildred Loudon, Thomas MacCombie, Vera Mace, Vivian Irma Manning, Mary Muriel March, Dorothy B. Martus, Mary Alice Martus, Mary Alice Mayer, Gertrude Isabelle McBride, Mildred Betty McCarthy, Genevieve McCarthy, M. Genevieve McDermott, Ellen Jeannette McGrath, Mary Louise McIntyre, Louise McSperit, Helena Metcalf, Lois Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Margaret Miner, Orilla Monnat, Margery A. Mulvaney, Mary C. Neary, John Bernard Norton, Lucy Odell, Marietta Olmstead, Sarah C. Palmer, Lois Park, Joseph C. Patterson, Audria V. Penfield, Lida S. Pfeifer, Josephine M. Piez, Richard K. Piquegney, Clara Doris Powers, Freda Marie Randles, Marion Shirley Reagan, Velma Mary Rice, Florence Richards, Lola Richmond, Lillian Riggs, James G. Rockfeller, Carl W. Rockoff, Garson Roden, Edith Rudolph, Jay Ruf, Hilda Russell, Mary Russell, Mary Agnes Ryan, Valentina Jane Scanlan, Kathryn Isabelle Schneider, Elsie Rose Schneider, Frank Scholl, Frances Scoville, Wadsor M. Shahan, Leona May Shapiro, Rose Shapiro, Rose Simmons, Carol Beth Sinnamon, Caroline V. Smith, Catherine Smith, Edeltrude Smith, Gordon Smithling, Luverne Marie Snow, Beatrice E. Snyder, William Stack, Mary Ellen Stacy, Ruth Louise Staley, Emma Stark, Mary Steeper, Ruth Stets, Louise Stryker, Katherine Summerville, Mary Elizabeth Swanson, William T. Taffner, Margaret Elizabeth Tallon, Willard Thurston Terry, Lilian Edna Tether, Chester Toms, Eva Travis, Leslie Treichel, Helen Mae Troy, Virginia Twoomey, Genevieve Upcraft, Kenneth William Van Der Meid, Lucille E. Wagg, Frank Waldron, Raymond Arthur Wallace, Donald Wallace, George Waterman, Charlotte Webster, Lois E. Wells, Alfred L. Whelan, Rose M. White, Charlotte White, Mildred C. White, Rose M. Williams, Florence Ellen Williams, Genevieve Greene wood, Gladys M. Woodruff, Florence Sarah Wyckoff, Janette Young, Alice Young, Clara Margaret Ziel, Max
- Genre:
- Yearbook
8: Communication Artifact ( nmc ) Documentary Artifact ( nmc )
- Summary:
- 1931 Ontarian. 145 pages. 1 copy ( eng )
- General Note:
- CAPTION:Page 1. The Ontarian
Record Information
- Rights Management:
- All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
- Resource Identifier:
- 2006.042.0011 ( accession number )
RG-7-2, Ontarian 1931