The Relationship between model size, positive body image education, and body self-esteem

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The Relationship between model size, positive body image education, and body self-esteem
Kelsey Roberts
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Introduction. Social media use and altered, photo shopped images have become very common in the last few years, exposing many young people to images of unrealistic body standards. Since this is a relatively new phenomena, not much is currently known about the effects these images may have on individual body image, as well as how education on positive body image can influence this. Methods. A sample of 18 female undergraduate students read an article on either positive body image or an unrelated topic (dogs) and then rated how they felt about themselves according to each of 3 model sizes shown in pictures. A 2x3 ANCOVA, controlling for pretest self esteem, was used to analyze this data. Results. No significant results were found for model size, article type or the interaction between model size and article type on body self-esteem rating. Discussion. Although there was no significant relationship found between article type, model size, and individual self-esteem, there were many limitations in this study that were not present in similar ones that had found significant results. One example of this is the possibility of a type II error due to the small sample size in this study. Future research on the topic of social media and self esteem is encouraged, as information on it’s impacts are still new and relatively unknown.
Collected for SUNY Oswego Institutional Repository by the online self-submittal tool. Submitted by Kelsey Roberts.

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Psychology Department
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SUNY Oswego Institution
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