Biomedical and Health Informatics Demo Lab

Material Information

Biomedical and Health Informatics Demo Lab
Paola Marin
Miracle Chinweuba
Isabelle Bichindaritz
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
biomedical informatics


The Biomedical and Health Informatics program offers its Graduate students an enhanced learning experience by providing a Demo Lab with specialized equipment for their training and practice in SUNY Oswego Syracuse Branch Campus. The State of the Art tools available for students will allow them to investigate techniques for surveying data, assessing requirements of providers and patients and creating innovative technology solutions to address the needs of the healthcare field.
Collected for SUNY Oswego Institutional Repository by the online self-submittal tool. Submitted by Isabelle Bichindaritz.

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SUNY Oswego Institutional Repository
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SUNY Oswego Institution
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